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Herndon Career Center

Herndon Career Center

Raytown, Missouri


Career-based education facility provides variety of hands-on learning environments for workforce training


The Herndon Career Center consolidates two campuses to provide space and amenities for current and projected future enrollments. The 60,000 square foot building, constructed adjacent to the existing East Campus building, provides state-of-the-art facilities for the school’s Automotive Technology; Welding and Metal Fabrication; Construction Trades; Cosmetology; and Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration programs. It also houses the school district technology center and conference center. The Cosmetology program was differentiated visually from the rest of the industrial programs-based facility through an angled position and prairie stone cladding rather than metal siding. Site improvements allowed parking for 310 vehicles and relocation of an existing soccer field.

