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Raytown City Hall

Raytown City Hall

Raytown, Missouri


A more efficient workspace and welcoming location for visitors


Under the firm’s on-call contract with the City of Raytown, SFS Architecture worked with multiple city departments to program and plan for the renovation of the upper floor of City Hall. Creating a more efficient workspace for city staff and a more welcoming space for visitors was a major goal. Program questionnaires and interviews were conducted with each department head, including administration, community development, municipal court, finance, public works and parks and recreation.


A space needs program was developed, taking into consideration current and future space needs for the next 5-10 years. Concept options, phasing strategies and projected cost summaries were presented to the city. While the gross area programmed is larger than the existing space available, the city desired to maintain the current footprint of the building without expanding. During the concept design phase, the team looked at ways to create efficiencies in circulation and consolidation of spaces.


Phase 1 included a complete renovation to the council chambers, municipal court, executive conference room, break room and City Hall entry, including HVAC upgrades with bipolar ionization systems, no-touch operation of public restroom sinks, drinking fountains and entry vestibule doors. These renovations were funded through the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES) Act.


Civic, Justice, Preservation